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The Ministry of Making Space

Much of the world teaches us that if we’re to succeed, we have to be on the lookout for our chance to shine or get ahead. 

See an opportunity? Hurry up and grab it! 

See an opening? Better jump in before someone else does!

Quite frankly, it’s exhausting. Don’t you feel that?

If you think about it, it’s all based on a scarcity mentality. There’s only so much to go around. It’s also based on the idea that we should move through life in order to reach some particular goal in our career and everyone else around us? They’re on their own. 

Most of us wouldn’t say it that bluntly, but our flesh still tends to want to protect what’s ‘ours’ and solidify our own security, which often comes at someone else’s expense. But the Kingdom of God is ever and always inviting us into that pesky little upside down way of being. In this case, I want to suggest that looks like intentionally, consistently making space for other people, right where you are. Bonus: Your soul will experience so much more joy and peace as a result – always the case when we do things God’s way!

A few years ago, I read Ann Voskamp’s The Greatest Gift, her beautiful Advent devotional book, and I was struck by one of her takeaways from the story of Esther. She writes:

“You’ve got to use the life you’ve been given to give others life…you’ve got to use your position inside the gate for those outside the gate–or you’re in the position of losing everything.”

If you’re reading this, there is a very high likelihood that there’s at least one area in your life where you are “inside the gate.” There is a place you have favor, relational equity, where you belong.

You have enough resources or relationships to have a roof over your head and you’re probably not worried about where your next meal is coming from. Now I’m not suggesting (at all!) that everything in your life is easy – only that you do have the ability to be a blessing to another human being in some area. 

Think about the people around your ministry teams looking for opportunities to grow. Is it easier/faster for you to do things yourself? Probably. Will it cost you time, energy, and potentially some of your own opportunity to invest in their growth? Yes! Could they be better than you at your own job one day? Maybe!

Will it further the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the long run? YES. 

And that’s the only yes we should care about. 

Think about the people you know who are in a tough season right now, or those you come in contact with who are struggling to get by. Do you have the ability to speak life and love to them? Yes. Will it cost you time, energy, and potentially some of your own resources to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them? Probably. 

Will it further the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the long run? I bet you know the answer!

Here’s the hard truth: 

If we’re not willing to make space for other people, someone else will. The Kingdom of God is going to advance with or without us.

We each get to decide whether we’re going to be the person who’s anxiously clinging to our own insecurities and resources, or the person who’s joyfully giving away whatever we have because we know the candy in our Kingdom never runs out. 

Instead of being a worried gatekeeper, cautiously guarding the resources like they’re in limited supply, what if we lived into the reality that our Kingdom is one of overflowing abundance, that the King loves to give good gifts to all His children, and that the resources aren’t actually OURS to guard anyway?

How can we justify being defensive of our positions, or angling to protect that which was gifted to us in the first place? We could look at Jesus’ entire ministry as one big story of making space for us. Space we didn’t earn or deserve, but space He loved us enough to sacrifice Himself to make.

We’re called to model our lives after Jesus, so what position, opportunities, resources, or other “spaces” do you have in your hands that others can be invited into? (And please notice I did NOT say simply giving away the opportunities you don’t actually want!) This is an ongoing question to discern through the ebbs and flows of life. But the underlying posture is always, How can I use my position or whatever I have to benefit or make space for someone else?

To remind you of where we started – this is exactly the opposite of the question the world will forever be teaching you to ask. We must wake up to what the world has normalized and push back against anything that doesn’t align with the Kingdom way of being. As George Müller questions, why would we “seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised”? 

I pray today you hear this as good news: 

You don’t have to fight to protect your space.
You get to fearlessly make space for others.

And every time you do, you’ll experience the Lord expanding the edges of your capacity to understand His goodness, provision, and boundless generosity. You’ll also get to participate directly with ushering in His coming Kingdom – something that will bring your soul more satisfaction than keeping anything for yourself.

10KFAM exists to raise and release spiritual mothers and fathers who creatively shape the future of the church. The primary way we do this is through our Worship School, an 18-month discipleship program rich with community, coaching, and Master’s-accredited content (that doesn’t require any relocation!). Whether you’ve been leading worship for decades or are just starting out, we invite you to join the journey of learning to cultivate and give away what God’s placed in you. Click here learn more about the School.

next worship school begins MAY 5-9, 2025