Next Worship School Track Begins October 21-25, 2024
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We Nurture and Journey With Worship Leaders

At 10KFAM, we raise and release spiritual mothers and father to creatively shape the future of the church.

What is worship school

Worship School is our fully accredited, 18-month leadership school. It is an in-depth discipleship process where we coach worship leaders who lead songs to become worship pastors who lead people. We’ve graduated 500 students who are presently located in nearly 20 countries. Our alumni are leading worship each weekend for more than a quarter of a million people around the world.

Next WORSHIP SCHOOL track begins october 21-25, 2024

Success Stories

As a Senior Pastor of a local church for over 30 years, one of the things I’ve heard from other Senior Pastors is what we want in a Worship Leader. We want a Worship Leader that’s not just awesome musically and great from the performance perspective, but more importantly we want a person of character. I want a Worship Leader that’s sensitive to the Spirit of God, and in that, they can translate that in a worship service. I also want a Worship Leader that can build a team, and a sense of community. Not just great musicians and great vocalists, but great people that love God. 

One of the things I really appreciate about 10KFAM is that character and discipleship is really emphasized and that’s awesome because it helps people develop and grow to where they can take this wonderful gift of music and worship that God’s given them and they can package it in a discipleship person that’s able to lead others well. Not only their immediate worship team, but the church family and congregation. 

For the three from our congregation who have gone through 10KFAM, it’s been amazing for me as a Senior Pastor to see how they’ve developed…and that leadership translates into so many things! I can’t recommend 10KFAM enough. I’m so thankful as a Senior Pastor to 10KFAM for developing those we’ve sent.

Pastor Lynn Schaal

Senior & Founding Pastor, Amazing Grace Fellowship, Twin Falls, ID 



The Curse Is Broken


This song was birthed out of my greatest inner healing so far. As is often the case, my wound traced back to my childhood. My parents had a rocky relationship. They separated when I was 6 and then divorced when I was 7. I lived with my mom, and as a highly sensitive person, I […]

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3 Ways to Design a Better Worship Setlist


When I first started leading worship in my teens and early twenties, my understanding of how to choose a worship setlist was something like: start fast and loud, end slow and low. Oh and pick songs that are in the same keys if possible. Simple! Well. That’s mostly because at that point in my life, […]

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3 Ways to Increase Your Congregation’s Worship Engagement


Recently I was talking with a worship pastor who wanted to increase his congregation’s engagement in worship. Most worship leaders that I know also want to increase the congregation’s engagement in worship. Why is that? In a perfect world it would be because we want the people under our care to be so deeply convinced […]

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4 things we can learn from jesus’ communication


In Part 1 of our blog on Culture of Communication, we talked about the fact that leaning into and improving interpersonal communication skills is essential to being a good leader, and crucial to being an effective disciplemaker. If you haven’t yet read Part 1, I’d encourage you to pause here and go read that before […]

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Reflections for Holy Week


*This is a manuscripted adaptation (summary!) of a sermon I gave on Palm Sunday that might help guide us on the journey with Jesus this week. It would make a great resource to share with your teams this week as we lean into all its significance. Holy week is the most important week in the […]

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Culture of Communication (Pt. 1)


I’ll be honest. For the last several years, I’ve found myself wrestling with my own frustration around communication. Specifically interpersonal communication. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances where grace is needed, of course, but I’m talking more about a habitual pattern of not responding in a timely manner (or at all) or responding in a way […]

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Listen to our discussions



The Importance of Worship School in Modern Day

Episode – 03.11.2024


Dr. Lynn Cohick

Episode – 11.15.2022


Leslie Jordan

Episode – 10.10.2022


Preston Sprinkle

Episode – 09.06.2022


Transition, Songwriting & Making Disciples

Episode – 08.09.2022


Prayer, Perseverance & Returning Home

Episode – 07.05.2022



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