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Chasing Wisdom, with Daniel Grothe

Aaron Keyes talks with Daniel Grothe about how to find wisdom in today’s age. Daniel was mentored by one of our generation’s true sages, Eugene Peterson, and in this conversation we dive into some of his learning:

What happens when life falls apart and you realize you’ve been living on a fault line?

How has politeness kept us from growth?

How can we shore up the “load-bearing walls” in our lives instead of simply addressing the cosmetics?

How can we have healthy boundaries in our lives as leaders, both with our calendars, and our social lives?

How can we impart what we’ve been given?

As seasoned leaders, what should we do re: younger leaders around us? And finally, what should we look for as young leaders in sages who’ve gone before us? 

The links Daniel mentions in this episode are as follows:

Brueggemann Preaching moment 12

For one who is exhausted

We highly recommend Daniel’s new book “Chasing Wisdom” as it dovetails so strongly with our DNA at 10,000 Fathers. Here’s the link!