How It Works
Our Online Experience follows the same structure as our Onsite Intensives but through an online-only format. Students receive recorded videos of all of the lectures from the Intensives, plus the same coursework and curriculum as our onsite students, and join in the same Huddle process for the 18-month journey.
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Next track begins oCTOBER 2024
Kick Off
October 2024
Just like the Onsite School, our Online Tracks run every six months, beginning once in the spring and once in the fall. They run simultaneously with the Onsite School so that Online students can join in the same Huddles right along side those who came to the in-person Intensive.
($6,000 over 18 months)
Payment plans are available. A $750 non-refundable deposit is required before the Intensive to confirm your spot. The remaining tuition balance can either be paid in full or spread out monthly over the 6-month Track.
Anywhere with a high-speed internet connection!
Our hope is that students will be able to come onsite for at least one of the Intensives, but this is not a requirement.