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The Way We Begin Worship Services Matters
Fifteen seconds into the service I thought, “There’s got to be a better way to do this.” The volunteer entrusted to welcome the congregation had already covered the Broncos and the weather. It went something like this: “Welcome to church. We’re glad you’re with us today, especially with the big game starting in about 45 minutes! […]
Much of the world teaches us that if we’re to succeed, we have to be on the lookout for our chance to shine or get ahead. See an opportunity? Hurry up and grab it! See an opening? Better jump in before someone else does! Quite frankly, it’s exhausting. Don’t you feel that? If you think about […]
Embracing Advent in Corporate Worship
practices for a season of longing & waiting In church ministry, the fall can often feel like one extended sprint from back-to-school through Christmas. But about seven years ago our church discovered Advent and it has truly changed how we approach and experience the holiday season, which is now upon us. If we’re not intentional […]
Practical Tips for Spontaneous Worship (Part 2)
The last post discussed how you can better prepare yourself to facilitate spontaneous moments in worship. But leading a team in spontaneity is a whole different animal that requires a different set of skills and practices. So, what do you do if you feel comfortable leading spontaneous moments, but it’s foreign to your team? Here’s […]
Practical Tips for Spontaneous Worship (Part 1)
How can I prepare for unplanned moments in worship? I grew up in wildly Pentecostal and Charismatic environments. “Flowing” in and out of songs was normal for me – any moment anything could happen. But I’ve learned that wasn’t – and definitely isn’t – the case for most people. Many worship leaders are hungry to […]
In the age of Amazon, it’s difficult to know what books are worth reading and which aren’t. A simple search for books with “worship” in the title will produce everything from daily devotionals to scholarly monographs to “how to” handbooks. No one is an authority on all “worship books,” but I’ve read my fair share […]
3 Characteristics of a Healthy Ministry Team
If we’ve learned anything by paying attention to the scandals unveiled in the last 10 years it is that health cannot be determined by signs of external success. Systems and organizations are too complex to base assumptions about their health from visible phenomena alone. I have been a part of ministries that appeared to be […]
3 Ways to Increase Your Congregation's Worship Engagement
Recently I was talking with a worship pastor who wanted to increase his congregation’s engagement in worship. Most worship leaders that I know also want to increase the congregation’s engagement in worship. Why is that? In a perfect world it would be because we want the people under our care to be so deeply convinced […]
Culture of Communication (Pt. 1)
I’ll be honest. For the last several years, I’ve found myself wrestling with my own frustration around communication. Specifically interpersonal communication. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances where grace is needed, of course, but I’m talking more about a habitual pattern of not responding in a timely manner (or at all) or responding in a way […]
Considering a Change?
How to Prepare for a New Worship Ministry Assignment
A new year naturally turns our focus toward “new beginnings” of all kinds. People are suddenly resolute to lose weight, pray more, cut back spending, and sometimes even make career changes. For those in full-time ministry the holidays are demanding, and once the dust has settled many begin to contemplate whether they want to spend […]