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Why 10kFAM

From Pastors

“As a Senior Pastor of a local church for over 30 years, one of the things I’ve heard from other Senior Pastors is what we want in a Worship Leader. We want a Worship Leader that’s not just awesome musically and great from the performance perspective, but more importantly we want a person of character. I want a Worship Leader that’s sensitive to the Spirit of God, and in that, they can translate that in a worship service. I also want a Worship Leader that can build a team, and a sense of community. For the three from our congregation who have gone through 10KFAM, it’s been amazing for me as a Senior Pastor to see how they’ve developed…and that leadership translates into so many things! I can’t recommend 10KFAM enough. I’m so thankful as a Senior Pastor to 10KFAM for developing those we’ve sent.”
Photo of Founding Pastor Lynn Schaal
Founding Pastor Lynn Schaal
Amazing Grace Fellowship, Twin Falls, ID
“Jesus defined true worship as when we worship in Spirit and truth. As a result, the Church needs Worship Pastors equipped to lead congregations in biblical worship. I am a big fan of 10KFAM because that’s what they do! They prepare worship pastors through an in-depth discipleship process, including character and craft, Spirit and truth coaching. Our Worship Pastor is a graduate of 10KFAM, and because of that, Fellowship of the Rockies has a correct understanding of true worship. I do everything possible to get our worship ministry team members to 10KFAM. We support 10KFAM because I believe there is no better place for developing Worship Pastors who can lead in Spirit and truth. Graduates also walk away with lifelong friends, so they do not have to do ministry alone. They have the resources necessary for a successful ministry. It doesn’t matter if you are a church wanting to send worship pastors for training or an individual who wants to prepare for what God has called you to do. 10KFAM is for you!”
Photo of Senior Pastor Charlie Jones
Senior Pastor Charlie Jones
Fellowship of the Rockies, Pueblo, CO
“When we come together and we sing songs, it’s not just for the sake of singing. What we are singing, the theology we are pumping into our churches and how we are being led is deeply forming our people. From what I have experienced, there is something truly different about a Worship Pastor that has gone through 10KFAM Worship School. They are some of the best I have seen at navigating both Spirit and Truth. They are some of the best at taking people from when they walk in the doors with all their fears and anxieties and leading them to a place of deep experiential encounter with God. There’s a big difference between song leaders that are simply leading songs and and Worship Pastors who are leading and shepherding people to have deeper relationships with God. My encouragement to any Pastor is do not miss out what this can mean for your Worship Pastor and consequently what your Worship Pastor can do for your church. 10KFAM is not worth missing out on. I promise you, you will not regret it.”
Photo of Teaching Pastor Kyle Dingus
Teaching Pastor Kyle Dingus
Fourth Avenue Church, Franklin, TN
“As the Professor of Worship for Northern Seminary, I had the privilege of partnering with 10KFAM. I found their training of worship leaders to be wholistic, personal, biblical, challenging, and life-transforming. Worship leaders looking to improve their craft, deepen their walk with the Lord, and build significant relationships will find 10KFAM a valuable resource.”
Photo of Sam Hamstra, Jr., Ph.D.
Sam Hamstra, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor of Worship for Northern Seminary

From Alumni

“I really wanted to become equipped in what it meant to be a healthy leader, specifically a pastor and shepherd for not only my worship team that I got to lead each week, but also my congregation. 10KFAM was the answer for me in that. They want to send us out where that may be and equip our other leaders that God has entrusted us with to also become disciple makers. If you’re thinking of joining, you should do it! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been in ministry for years or if you’re new starting out, I think this is the place for you to be.”
Photo of Sarah Hull
Sarah Hull
Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, 10KFAM Alumni
“It’s not just practical information, though there is a ton of that, but what is even more incredible is that God works on you as you walk through Worship School. And the way He does that is through the people He puts around you. The other students, the volunteers, the staff, the people who come in to teach, your coaches that are with you every step of the way. God uses them to change you. I’m a different person than when I began and I totally credit Worship School for being the vehicle to facilitate that change in my life.”
Photo of Sam Arnett
Sam Arnett
Cross Point Christian Church, 10KFAM Alumni
“I’ve been in my role as a Worship Pastor for the past 14 years and being able to go through this experience has really reengaged my heart towards ministry and the people I get to serve with and the calling God’s placed on my life. What I’ve enjoyed the most is the community, the huddle times where we weekly have a time to gather together and process the things we’ve listened to or read to get insight from people serving in different contexts, different churches, different parts of the country and even the world. It’s made me more intentional and thoughtful about how I’m arranging our services and our setlists. It’s also made me slow down for the people that are serving with me and be more intentional about how I can connect and build community with them. Now we’re cultivating a worship family, not just a worship team.”
Photo of Ian Dizon
Ian Dizon
Calvary Church with Ed Taylor, 10KFAM Alumni
“I decided to do 10KFAM because I’d been leading at my church for a couple months and I felt like I was getting really comfortable leading songs, but I felt disconnected from the congregation and I wanted to learn more about pastoring people and being connected and sensitive to what was going on in the congregation in the moment of the song, but also what’s going on in the congregation when they leave the church. And that felt really daunting to figure out on my own. I’ve enjoyed meeting people that have a common interest with me and want to encourage you and build you up, but also learn alongside you and challenge you.”
Photo of Alexis Whisner
Alexis Whisner
Ignite Church, 10KFAM Alumni
“Through the things we’ve learned, I feel like God is waking up in me, parts of me that I didn’t know needed to be woken up. That I didn’t know He even could wake up. It’s just developed this incredible hope for the future, and for what He’s called me to do. It’s been an incredible experience. So much hope and so much life. I know that I’m called to lead worship and I knew that I needed mentorship and guidance in that. I knew God was calling me to connect with leaders in a way that was structured, in a way that was directed and guided, and in a way that was tailored to my specific needs and weaknesses. That would help walk me down paths I didn’t even know I needed to go on.”
Photo of Darielle Johnson
Darielle Johnson
New Life Downtown Volunteer, 10KFAM Alumni