Next Worship School Track Begins October 21-25, 2024
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Rooted & Renegade


Many of today’s churches tend to fall into the extreme categories of being defined as EITHER rooted/traditional OR renegade/charismatic, but how beautiful would it be to have congregations worshiping God across the full spectrum?

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Q: How do I pick songs for a specific passage of scripture my pastor is speaking on?


A: I’ll never understand a worship set that has nothing to do with the accompanying sermon. It is such a wasted opportunity when we arbitrarily pick songs that people may like yet don’t serve to orient us towards where the pastor is about to take us, or don’t pick up from where the sermon lands […]

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Q: Should I talk between songs?


A: Look at the Psalms. Some of them have superscriptions before verse 1. Some don’t. Some have built-in interjections like, “Selah.” I like this because, sometimes, the last thing you need to hear, as a worshiper, is someone talking. But sometimes, it’s exactly what you most need. How do you know when’s which? As a […]

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Nashville Numbering System


We’ve all been there… We posted the song on Planning Center in the key of F, (and everyone learned it in F), then on Sunday morning the vocalist can’t hit the high-note. She needs it dropped to the key of E… Or, in the middle of rehearsal, you realize it’d be great to flow from […]

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Garageband for Songwriters - Part Two


Welcome to Part Two of our series on Garageband for songwriters. In Part One, we went over how to get set up and start recording. Here, we will discuss basic editing and mixing that can be done in Garageband to make basic tracks sound great. To reiterate, the goal is to get your music heard, […]

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Garageband for Songwriters - Part One


Garageband, whether you like it or not, has ushered in thousands of new songwriters, producers, composers, and all-around musicians. Apple is probably surprised at how predominant it has become for both amateur and professionals. It is incredibly useful and with each new version, becomes more and more intricate. It can be used as a quick […]

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Ten Ways to be a Better Worship Leader


LEAD BY EXAMPLE. It’s a bit cliche, but only because it’s true. Worship band leaders should always be considering how their actions and attitudes affect (and reflect) the band. Always show up on time, have your instrument and gear tuned and ready, know the songs, and have chord charts ready. Whatever it is your band […]

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Essential Guitar Sounds


This one’s for all you guitar players in the room.  Let’s talk about tone. Many legendary guitarists are quick to say “it’s all in the fingers”, which is true—to a degree. Yes, you want to make sure you can play all of your lead parts, scales and chords with finesse, but having a good toolbox […]

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Q: Is Worship Leading a Spiritual Gift?


A: There are several different sections in the Bible that often get lumped together under the heading of “spiritual gifts”: typically Romans 12, 1 Cor. 12 & 14, and Ephesians 4.  I’d encourage you to read through those sections real quick and see what you find–is worship leading there?  It won’t take long until you […]

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Go Slow


Hi guys! My name is Arvid Asmussen and I’m a worship pastor from Denmark. I graduated from 10,000 Fathers in 2015 and my family and I have continued to circle back to the community around the worship school ever since. This spring we have once again returned to Atlanta for a six-month sabbatical. Sabbatical. Two […]

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