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A Few 'Must Have' Apps for Musicians


Phone and tablet apps have made learning, playing, and enhancing music better than ever. With literally thousands of options, you could spend valuable practice and play time scrolling through the myriad of options. Below are some of the best apps we’ve found to help you build skill, organize your music, and have fun! For Singers  […]

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Worship in Europe — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


So much of what God’s done in worship around the world was born in Europe. I think about the Reformers who reimagined worship in Geneva, Germany, Czechoslovakia. I’ve treasured the Timeless sacred hymns from Sweden, England, Ireland. I remember the Timeless sacred art from France, Italy, & Spain. Europe has ushered in Renewal movements that […]

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Brand New Bag: Mixing Up Your Style


There are endless resources available to us as Worship Pastors to help us lead our community into a meaningful time of worship. But it can be easy to fall into the same patterns, sounds, rhythms, and routines when leading our churches. Some of these routines are healthy and good, but it’s never a bad idea […]

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The Story Behind: Shalom — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


This past fall my Aunt Melissa suddenly became very ill. Weeks later she was diagnosed with cancer, too sick to begin any treatment. My mom’s oldest sister, who had seemed healthy a month ago, was now on a hospital bed with word from the doctors-“there’s nothing we can do.” My mom and I are as […]

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Preaching Through the Lens of the Enneagram — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


HOW TO USE THIS TOOL:When you’re wanting to connect a point with your congregation, choose one type from each of the 3 Centers to speak to and you’ll be connecting with 100% of your congregation. Maybe for one point, you choose 8, 5 and 2. Maybe another is 9, 6, 3. As you progress through […]

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I Thought You Would Want to Know — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


This is a guest post from Dr. Sam Hamstra:I recently had the privilege of hanging out with about 20 dedicated volunteers who serve the worship ministry of their congregation, one that worships nearly 1,000 people each week. Their worship pastor had just moved on to a new church and, before launching a search for a […]

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The People of the Future — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


Even better than traveling backwards, what if we could travel forward into the unknown future? Now that’s different isn’t it? To me, the future seems to be way more of a sensitive subject than the past. At least we can read about events before our time in history books. Maybe it isn’t the past that […]

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Church History and Modern Worship (Part One) — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


Constantine was a complex character; one who was named a pagan god but also a saint by the Eastern church. He led the cessation of persecution for Christians but also contributed to a culture of simony and corruption. Whether or not Constantine’s contribution was for the benefit of the Church depends on who you ask. […]

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"Perfect" Community. — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


In the early 6th century Christianity had been the official religion of the Roman Empire for nearly 200 years. The Church had reached new heights of wealth and power. Gone were the days of Christians being known as a simple people who shared their lives and cared deeply for one another. Church leaders were becoming […]

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An Invitation to Help. — 10,000 Fathers Worship School


We prayed some more, and one thing we asked was that the surrounding countries would soften their hearts and let more people in. Later on that day, one of us found an article about Iceland accepting refugees. They had originally said they could take only 50, then 10,000 Icelanders decided to offer their homes for […]

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